On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress of a newly formed nation, the United States of America, passed the Flag Act, which eventually became a national holiday. The original design was not altered until 1794, when two new states were added. Flags symbolize nations, communities, and causes and are flown on commercial and government buildings and private homes. We love our flags in Texas. Christian Gribble, owner of Lady Liberty Flag & Flagpole in Austin, is a sixth-generation Texan with the expertise to assist you in choosing the suitable flag and the knowledge to help you display it correctly.

More important than the type of flag is the quality of the fabric. Lady Liberty Flag & Flagpole offers options based on where you plan to display. For example, nylon flags are lighter and more vibrant in color, while polyester flags tend to be heavier and require more wind. For Christian, the quality of the flags she sells is critical. Some manufacturers use a silkscreen process; however, Lady Liberty flags are sewn, not printed. This process of sewing flags joins individual pieces of fabric to create the design. They are more durable, and the colors resist fading.
Another vital aspect of Lady Liberty’s customer service is to help you decide how to display your new flag. Christian has extensive options for homes, businesses, and government offices, including adjustable brackets, indoor poles, stands, and a selection of outdoor flagpoles and gold aluminum eagle ornaments. If you have problems with unfurling flags in the Texas wind, try a spinning pole with a ball-bearing system that spins with the flag. Lady Liberty Flag & Flagpole has outdoor poles for every budget and will customize any design.
Lady Liberty Flag & Flagpole has a broad selection that includes American flags, state flags, flags for the Armed Forces, specialty and remembrance flags, and historical flags. In addition, they offer a solid wood commemorative flag display case for a triangular fold and 9-11 flags.
Lady Liberty Flag & Flagpole is known for its high level of customer service; they answer their phones and all emails and are committed to answering your questions, especially regarding the proper protocol for when and how to display our American flag. If you don’t find what you are looking for, ask Christian; her knowledgeable staff can probably find exactly what you are looking for.