There’s a lot to appreciate in Texas. Beautiful flowers, outstanding scenery, and friendly people are just some of the reasons that our state is loved by residents and visitors alike. However, hardly anyone enjoys Texas traffic. Drivers habitually speed, change lanes erratically, and slam on the brakes for no good reason. Driving in Texas can be dangerous. As a matter of fact, in 2015, Texas accounted for 10.2% of traffic fatalities in the country. Any driver, no matter how experienced, needs to be careful while driving in the state of Texas.

Photo: @jv_foto via Twenty20
While there are many roads in the state that can be considered perilous, I-45 has been called the most dangerous in America. Interstate 45 runs between Galveston and Dallas. The road is unusual because it’s the only interstate in Texas that doesn’t cross state lines. Unfortunately, I-45 is also notable because of the high number of deaths that occur on the road – 56.5 fatal accidents per every 100 miles of freeway. That’s a high number by any standard.
Why are there so many accidents on this freeway? Well, one reason may be that I-45 goes through Houston, which has some of the busiest traffic in the country. The road itself doesn’t seem to have many features that would create special dangers for drivers. It isn’t especially curvy and has unremarkable merges and blind spots. However, there may be another reason why I-45 is so dangerous.
Apparently, according to professionals familiar with the road, I-45 can be perilous because drivers are more likely to take chances there. Drunk driving, texting, and speeding are major issues along I-45 and cause a lot of the accidents that make I-45 so treacherous. If driving improved, the fatality rate would go down.

Photo: @Wandeaw via Twenty20
If you avoid Interstate 45, don’t think that you are completely safe. Other Texas freeways known to be hazardous include Interstate 410, which loops around San Antonio, Interstate 35, especially as it runs through Dallas, and Interstate 10. While I-10 runs throughout the state of Texas, it is especially challenging as it goes through San Antonio and Houston. No matter where you drive, it’s always best to be careful.
So, the advice that most of us heard when receiving our driver’s license is still true today. Follow the basic rules of the road. Obey traffic laws, including speed limits. Always be aware of what’s going on around you. Be cautious when dealing with other drivers. Remember, saving a few minutes isn’t worth your life.