Texans and UFO Encounters: Do You Have a Story to Tell?

Texans and UFO Encounters: Do You Have a Story to Tell?

Texas is known for its incredible skies. Both day and night often bring beautiful colors, planets, and airborne objects. Some of those objects, however, are not always easily understandable. Have you ever seen something unidentifiable? Here are some encounters recorded throughout Texas history. Globally, 2014 was a peak busy year in UFO reports: 19,150 sightings were logged!

Texans and UFO Encounters: Do You Have a Story to Tell?

Photo: @kirb4700 via Twenty20

April 17, 1897 – Aurora, Texas. An “airship” crashed on a farm outside of town; the being inside was reported to be deceased and buried in the town cemetery. The wreckage from the crash was disposed of in a nearby well. Today, the headstone has been removed.

November 2–3, 1957 – Levelland, Texas. Reported by dozens of people in the area, strange blue lights and rocket-like colors were seen in the sky. Another strange twist: multiple persons noted vehicle issues and disruptions while viewing the lights.

Texans and UFO Encounters: Do You Have a Story to Tell?

Photo: @isunwater via Twenty20

December 29, 1980 – near Dayton, Texas. Two women and a child reported a giant diamond-shaped object hovering at treetop level. Severe illness was experienced later that evening. Known as the Cash-Landrum Incident, it resulted in civil court proceedings.

September 18, 2019 – Richardson, Texas. People saw something metallic-like traveling east to west. The unique kind of craft was claimed to be “moving too fast to be a balloon.” It apparently made no sound and flew lower in the sky than airplanes in the area.

Texans and UFO Encounters: Do You Have a Story to Tell?

Photo: @isunwater via Twenty20

In 2020, the United States Department of Defense acknowledged a 2017 video from a US Navy pilot’s radar of an object flying erratically, with a “glowing aura.” Looking for more information or have your own sighting to report? MUFON® is the world’s oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation and research organization. Established in 1969, it’s an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation. Texas certainly is full of mysteries, both above and below its dirt!

Written by Honky Tonk Foodie